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Standard A, Indicator 9: Uses instructional planning, materials, and student engagement approaches that support students of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, strengths, and challenges.


To meet the needs of students with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, I will incorporate multiple types of activities for students to complete in class. For example, when studying vocabulary words, I have all students create mini-posters to demonstrate what specific vocabulary words look like and then write about what it means to reinforce their learning. For ELL students, I could provide them with the opportunity to do the same activity, as well as incorporate what the vocabularly words look like and mean in their primary language. This will provide ELL students with a more concrete vocabulary grounding, due to the multiple types of meanings of one word in various parts of the world.


I would also recommend ELL students to visit freerice.com. This website collaborates with the World Food Programme to help end hunger by providing learning activities for people of all ages. Students may select a subject (e.g., math, history, science, ELA, humanities, SAT prep, etc.) and the difficulty level. Once started, each question that is answered correctly results in a donation of 10 grains of rice to countries that need assistance. These types of differentiation activities allow students with different learning abilities to demonstrate their strengths and work on their challenges. The link to the website is below.














DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.