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Standard A, Indicator 7: Incorporates appropriate technology and media in lesson planning.


Knowing that many of my students in my classes enjoy visuals, I think it is important to supplement any lesson plan with an appropriate video clip that accurately portray the work which we are studying, or even posting an image on the smartboard while we are reading a particular text. I have, for example, shown the end of the movie "The Titanic" to give students a foundation for the informational text that we would be reading about the first group of explorers who found the Titanic in the 1980s. As we were reading the text, I had the image below on the smartboard for students to look at as the explorers were giving specific descriptions of the sunken ship.




In addition, I use technology to receive the necessary feedback from my students to determine what I am doing well and what I need to improve on in the classroom. For this, students used Ipads to submit specific feedback on a website called PollEv.com, which posts their responses anonymously on the smartboard in the classroom.





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