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Standard D, Indicator 2: Works to promote achievement by all students without exception.


I regluarly encourage students to try their best on everything that they do, regardless of the challenges that might jump in front of them along the way. Earlier in the year, I had a friend of mine come in to speak to the entire 6th grade about the challenges that she had to overcome due to her cerebral palsy. She spoke to students about her experiences in the academic setting and the social setting, and how she was able to achieve more by working with (not against) those challenges. Students had the opportunity to ask Morgan questions afterwards, and I must say that I have never seen a group of 110 sixth grade students sit in absolute silence completely engrossed in everything Morgan had to say. After speaking with Morgan, many students had a completely different view of their own challenges and how they can achieve more in their life.


In addition to providing students the opportunity to learn more from a guest speaker, I stay after school regularly for any student that requests my help.



*All 6th grade students


*Morgan - the guest speaker


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